Media and brands are vehicles for creating and distributing experience goods. The Chair of Media and Brand Economics is dedicated to the analysis of their related economic, industrial and institutional issues in the digital era. It also promotes better integration of the economic and institutional aspects of intellectual property into the technical structure of future communication networks.
The Chair is sponsored by Vivendi and Lagardere Group, the Chair is directed by Olivier Bomsel, CERNA, in association with the Computer Science and Networks Department of TELECOM ParisTech.
The Chair fosters research in a field that is under-explored by micro-economics. The themes are directed by the need for rapid adaptation of the sector and the harmonisation of its European markets. They also aim at specifying the features of future networks so that they can respond to the multimedia needs. Academic works are presented in international conferences and lead to scientific publications. The Chair organises seminars, funds PhDs and welcomes post-doctorates and foreign professors. It may respond to calls for tender (7th PCRD, ANR, etc.).
Education and training
In the academic curriculum at MINES ParisTech, the Chair is admitted to the“Industrial Economics” option. At TELECOM ParisTech, the Chair is admitted to the “Network and Services and Safety of Information Systems” option. It encourages and facilitates the engineering students’ internships in businesses and institutions in the sector. It orga- nises a doctoral program by funding and directing theses within the domain of media economics. It sets up personalised continuing education modules for businesses or institutions on themes concerning media economics.
The regulation of cultural or media industries is subject to permanent negotiations. The Chair’s role is to provide a venue for debates where economic reasoning prevails over negotiation strategies. It organises cycles of conferences which are open to ParisTech students and researchers as well as industry executives and regulating authorities.
The Chair gathers skills in the field of media and brand economics. Its international academic network enables it to meet the calls for expertise or conduct ad hoc studies for businesses or public authorities.
Strategic and scientific watch
The Chair conducts a watch on the industrial organisation of the sector throughout the world and on the associated public policies The Chair keeps upwith on progress in industrial economics applied to the sector. It evaluates the competitiveness of the media industry in Europe.
240 ans de recherche et de formation
Vidéo : 240ans de recherche
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