CERNA is the Centre for industrial Economics at MINES ParisTech, PSL University. It is also a member of the interdisciplinary institute on innovation (i3, UMR CNRS 9217).
12 researchers and about 10 PhD students work in the three main areas: industrial and innovation economics, energy economics, and environmental economics. The Cerna is actively involved in applied research that seeks to answer questions posed by decision-makers in the private and public sectors.
Its research projects are carried out in the framework of partnerships involving academics, private enterprises, local and national governments and international bodies. It is host to the Chair of Media and Brand Economics, the Chair of Commodities Economics, Finance and Management, the MINES-Telecom Chair on Intellectual Property and the Markets for Technology, the Chair FIT², the Chair etilab and the Chair of European economics of natural gas. These partnerships are managed by the non-profit research association, ARMINES and by the Fondation MINES ParisTech.
The current director of CERNA is Pierre Fleckinger.
240 ans de recherche et de formation
Vidéo : 240ans de recherche
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