Chair The Economics of Natural Gas

Resources for research

Teaching activity

“Empirical Modeling of Electricity and Gas Economics” by Anna CRETI (Master 2 Economie Finance Carbone, Université Paris Dauphine, 12 hours on natural gas)

“Energy and Environmental Economics” by Anna CRETI (Master 1 Economie et ingénierie financière, Parcours Energie, 9 hours on natural gas economics)

"Energy Economics" by Olivier MASSOL (CentraleSupélec)

“Energy Economics, an introduction” by Olivier MASSOL  (Ecole des Mines d’Albi – Option Energie 3e année, co-supervision of a student project aimed at identifying the market outlook for biogas technologies)

“The Economics of Commodity Markets” by Olivier MASSOL  (IFP School - Master 2 Economie du Développement Durable de l’Environnement de l’Energie EDDEE, Parcours Energie, 6 hours on natural gas markets)

“Economic Analysis of Energy sectors” by Anna CRETI (Ecole Polytechnique, 12h on Natural Gas, January-March 2017)

“Sectoral regulation” by Anna CRETI (Master in Regulation, Sciences PO, 4h on Natural Gas, January-March 2017)

“Economics of Hydrocarbon”, by Olivier MASSOL (Conference-lecture at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Nancy, January 2017)

“The Economics of Carbon Capture and Storage” by Olivier MASSOL (Conference at Sciences Po Paris, January 2017)

“The Economics of the Natural Gas Industry”, by Olivier MASSOL (Cycle Ingénieur Civil des Mines, Mines ParisTech, 3 hours, 28 March 2017)

“Energy Economics, concepts and methods”, by Olivier MASSOL (Cycle Ingénieur Civil des Mines, Mines de Saint-Etienne, 6 hours, 7 April 2017) 

“Energy Economics, an introduction”, by Olivier MASSOL (Option Energie, ENS Mines Albi Carmaux, 4.5 hours,  6th October 2017)

“Energy Economics, concepts and methods”, by Olivier MASSOL (Cycle Ingénieur Civil des Mines, Mines de Nancy, 3 hours, 25th September 2017)


Sources of data


Academic press review

Energy Economics

Towards a worldwide integrated market? New evidence on the dynamics of U.S., European and Asian natural gas prices, by Raphaël Chiappini,Yves Jégourel, Paul Raymond. Energy Economics, Volume 81, June 2019, Pages 545-565

Convergence of European natural gas prices, by Andrea Bastianin, Marzio Galeotti, Michele Polo. Energy Economics, Volume 81, June 2019, Pages 793-811–170

The dynamic linkages between crude oil and natural gas markets, by Jonathan A. Batten, Cetin Ciner, Brian M. Lucey, Energy Economics, Volume 62, February 2017, Pages 155–170

Measuring the effects of natural gas pipeline constraints on regional pricing and market integration, by Roger Avalos, Timothy Fitzgerald, Randal R. Rucker, Energy Economics, Volume 60, November 2016, Pages 217–231

Special Section on North American Natural Gas Markets in Transition, Energy Economics, Volume 60, November 2016, Pages 401-496

Gas Release and Transport Capacity Investment as Instruments to Foster Competition in Gas Markets by Corinne Chaton, Farid Gasmi, Marie-Laure Guillerminet, and Juan Daniel Oviedo, Energy Economics, vol. 34, 2012, pp. 1251–1258


Energy Journal

Natural Gas Transits and Market Power: The Case of Turkey, by Simon Schulte, Florian Weiser, The Energy Journal, Volume 40, Number 2

Measuring and Assessing the Evolution of Liquidity in Forward Natural Gas Markets: The Case of the UK National Balancing Point, by Lilian M. de Menezes, Marianna Russo, Giovanni Urga, The Energy Journal, Volume 40, Number 1

Price Adjustments and Transaction Costs in the European Natural Gas Market, by Rafael Garaffa, Alexandre Szklo, André F. P. Lucena, José Gustavo Féres, The Energy Journal, Volume 40, Number 1

China’s Natural Gas Demand Projections and Supply Capacity Analysis in 2030, by Qiang Ji, Ying Fan, Mike Troilo, Ronald D. Ripple, Lianyong Feng, The Energy Journal, Volume 39, Number 6

The Impact of Securing Alternative Energy Sources on Russian-European Natural Gas Pricing, by Nathalie Hinchey, The Energy Journal, Volume 39, Number 2

Asian Spot Prices for LNG and other Energy Commodities, by Abdullahi Alim, Peter R. Hartley, Yihui Lan, The Energy Journal, Volume 39, Number 1

Towards an Integrated Spot LNG Market: An Interim Assessment, by Xiaoyi Mu, Haichun Ye, The Energy Journal, Volume 39, Number 1

Modeling UK Natural Gas Prices when Gas Prices Periodically Decouple from the Oil Price, by Frank Asche, Atle Oglend, Petter Osmundsen, The Energy Journal, Volume 38, Number 2

Global LNG Pricing Terms and Revisions: An Empirical Analysis, by Mark Agerton, The Energy Journal, Volume 38, Number 1


Journal of Regulatory Economics

Access to Pipelines for Competitive Gas Markets by Helmuth Cremer, Farid Gasmi, and Jean-Jacques Laffont, Journal of Regulatory Economics, vol. 24, n. 1, 2003, pp. 5–33.

(Characterization of the optimal allocation of resources in a gas network. In particular, determination of consumers and producer prices, at each node of the network. Also considers pricing on secondary markets for capacity and the role of uncertainty in the planning of network capacity.)

European Economic Review

Competition in Gas Markets by Helmuth Cremer, and Jean-Jacques Laffont, European Economic Review, vol. 46, 2002, pp. 928–935.

(Studies how upstream leadership in the access to storage facilities leads a dominant firm to adopt strategic storage decision, raising rival's cost. Find that in certain cases optimal regulation of gas storage access may not prevent such a behavior.)

Working Papers

Investment in Transport Infrastructure, and Gas-Gas Competition by Farid Gasmi, and Juan Daniel Oviedo, TSE Working Paper, n. 09-121, November 2009.

(Presents a model in which a regulated transporter provides capacity to a marketer competing in output with an incumbent in the gas commodity market.)

Literature review on the efficiency of natural gas markets, by Amina Baba




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