Chair The Economics of Natural Gas


November 2024:

Nov. 28-29: Olivier Massol gave a presentation at the symposium on the economics of hydrogen hosted at the French Embassy in Berlin. The day before was marked by the kick starting meeting of the French-German MINDSET Clean H2 project.

Nov. 5: Camille Megy successfully defended her PhD thesis "Modeling the economics of electricity-hydrogen systems: Power-to-Gas ownership, water requirements, and storage considerations". The manuscript will be available after a one-year embargo period. Congratulations !

September 2024:

Sept. 27: Félix Michelet successfully defended his PhD thesis "Three Essays on the Impact of Renewable Energy Deployment". Find the manuscript here and congratulations !

Sept. 26: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP - Chair The Economics of Gas, New Research Avenues Program

F. Holz (DIW Berlin), “Greenhouse gas emissions in the natural gas value chain and options for their inclusion in the EU-ETS and CBAM Presentation

M. Sesini (Florence School of Regulation), “Gas & Hydrogen Initiatives at FSR: Current Research and Future Outlook

A. Creti (Université Paris Dauphine PSL*), “Putting a Cap on Diffuse Emissions (ETS 2): an Effective Constraint on Gas ConsumersPresentation

O. Massol (CentraleSupélec), “The Subtle Economics of Carbon Capture and Storage: A ReviewPresentation

L. Barner (TU Berlin and DIW Berlin) “Market Power Modeling in Future Hydrogen MarketsPresentation

A. Blanchard (Chaire Economie du Gaz), C. Mégy (Chaire Economie du Gaz), “Assessing the Economic Value of Underground Hydrogen Storage for Germany's Energy Supply Security

F. Michelet (Chaire Economie du Gaz), “The impact of electricity market integration on the costs of CO2 emissions abatement through renewable energy promotion

P. Cizmic (Chaire Economie du Gaz), “Regulation, oil and gas industry and banking institutions: a love triangle in the age of climate change”.

F. de Pradier d’Agrain (Chaire Economie du Gaz), “Making abondant oil more abondant: exploration and development of oil fields in a climate wise world

J. Ancel (Chaire Economie du Gaz), “Demand Response when Flat and Dynamic Retail Tariffs coexist

Sept. 18-20: Ange Blanchard and Julien Ancel took part in  the Loyola Autumn School, Florence School of Regulation, Florence. They presented their respective research:

A. Blanchard - " Unlocking Advanced Nuclear Investment: Balancing Operational Flexibility and Competitive Behavior Concerns with Capability CfDs"

J. Ancel - "Demand response ownership structure in imperfectly competitive power markets: independent or integrated?"

June 2024:

Jun. 25-28: Olivier Massol  and Julien Ancel will attend the IAEE 2024 International Conference in Istanbul. Olivier Massol will give a talk on negative emissions technologies. Julien Ancel to present the working paper "Demand response system and private values: SDDP-based guidelines for mass deployment" writtent with Olivier Massol.
Jun. 17-19: Julien Ancel will present the working paper "Demand response ownership in imperfectly competitive power markets: independent or integrated ?" at the AFSE annual congress in Bordeaux, France.
Jun. 5-8: Renaud Coulomb will take part in the 2024 African Meeting of the Econometric Society in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire.

May 2024:

May 27: Ange Blanchard will present the working paper " Operational Flexibility, Financing Efficiency, and Competitive Behavior: the Trilemma of Advanced Nuclear Investment " written with Ramteen Sioshansi at HEC Montreal, Montreal, Canada.
May 25: Ange Blanchard will meet with the teams of Artelys Canada in Montreal, Canada. 


April 2024:

Apr. 5, 2024: Renaud Coulomb gave a seminar presentation at Institut Agro Montpellier.

March 2024:

Mar. 24, 2024: Olivier Massol gave a presentation on the changing organization of LNG trade at the conference “Le GNL, une énergie en transition" jointly organized by Evolen, AIEN and the French chapter of the IAEE (La Défense).

Mar. 20-22, 2024: Camille Megy presented the working paper "Unraveling the competition: Power-to-Gas vs. Energy Storage, Insights from a Stochastic Dynamic Programming Approach", written with Ange Blanchard, at the EPHyC Conference in Ghent, Belgium.

Mar. 15, 2024: Olivier Massol gave a presentation on LNG shipping and market power at the 2024 Workshop “The Role of Natural Gas in The Energy Transition” at NTNU (Trondheim, Norway).

Mar.-May 2024: Ange Blanchard visited Ramteen Sioshansi at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Pittsburgh, USA for a collaboration entitled "Operational Flexibility, Financing Efficiency, and Competitive Behavior: the Trilemma of Advanced Nuclear Investment"

Renaud Coulomb participated in the I4CE - Institute for Climate Economics seminar.

January 2024:

Jan. 19, 2024: Olivier Massol was invited to present his views on the economics of CO2 infrastructures by the foresight group of the French Comission de Régulation de l'Energie.

Jan. 17, 2024: Renaud Coulomb delivered a talk entitled "Decarbonizing the Global Oil Supply" at the Paris workshop on Global Energy Transition and Development.

Jan. 10, 2024: Renaud Coulomb presented at the PSL Energy seminar on "Bad oil , 'worse' oil and carbon misallocation".

Jan. 8, 2024: Olivier Massol gave a seminar presentation on the economics of demand response at U. Duisburg Essen (Germany).

December 2023:

Renaud Coulomb was invited to present his work on "Bad oil , 'worse' oil and carbon misallocation" at the seminar of the Bank of Thailand.

Dec. 14-16, 2023: Ange Blanchard presented the working paper "Strategic Investments: Electrolysis vs. Storage for Europe’s Energy Security in the Hydrogen Era", at the SESTEF Conference in Southampton, Great Britain.

Dec. 5, 2023: Renaud Coulomb gave a seminar presentation on "Bad oil , 'worse' oil and carbon misallocation" at the Bordeaux School of Economics seminar.

November 2023:

Nov. 29, 2023: Olivier Massol gave a seminar presentation on the economics of  carbon capture and storage at the  PSL* Seminar in Energy Economics (Paris)

Nov. 9-10, 2023 : Olivier Massol (co-organizer), David Lowing, Camille Megy, Ange Blanchard and Julien Ancel  attended the TransAtlantic Infraday Conference 2023 in CentraleSupelec, Paris, France (program).

David Lowing presented his working paper "Cost allocation in energy distribution networks".

Camille Megy presented the working paper "Unraveling the competition: Power-to-Gas vs. Energy Storage, Insights from a Stochastic Dynamic Programming Approach" a joint work with Ange Blanchard.

Ange Blanchard presented his working paper "Examining the Potential Market Power of Vehicle-to-Grid Aggregators: A Game-Theoretic Approach".

Julien Ancel  presented the working paper "What is the value of demand-response in stressed power systems? Insights from a hydropower viewpoint." written with Olivier Massol.

October 2023:

Oct. 20, 2023: Olivier Massol gave a seminar presentation on the modeling of economics of demand response in power markets at the University of Maryland (Washington DC). 

Oct. 20, 2023: Olivier Massol gave a presentation on the modeling of economics of negative emission technologies at the INFORMS Annual Meeting (Phoenix, AZ)

August 2023:

Aug. 10, 2023: Anna Creti explores the reasons behind the fuel price rise in an opinion piece published by Libération

July 2023:

Jul. 24-27, 2023 : Camille Megy attended the 18th IAEE European Conference in Milan, Italy. She presented the working paper "Are Power-to-Gas and Energy Storage Competing with Each Other ? Insights from a Stochastic Dynamic Modeling Exercise for Germany" written with Ange Blanchard.

July 24, 2023: Olivier Massol gave a presentation on the economics of power to gas at the 18th IAEE European Energy Conference (Milano, Italy)

June 2023:

Jun. 14, 2023: Camille Megy and Ange Blanchard attended the AFSE annual conference. They presented an ongoing work on the interactions between Power-to-Gas and energy storage in an integrated electricity and hydrogen system

Jun. 7, 2023: Anna Creti was keynote speaker at the workshop "Decentralized Energy Systems" organized by Neoma Business School, and presented on "Rethinking Energy Markets"

May 2023:

May 23, 2023: Anna Creti published an opinion piece in Novethic Essentiel where the funding strategies of fossil fuels are analyzed in the perspective of the upcoming COP28 - "Tribune : six mois avant la COP28, où en est-on du financement des énergies fossiles ?"

May 12, 2023: Anna Creti discusses for the newspaper La Croix the future of the Alberta oil amidst rising environmental concerns - "Le pétrole de l'Alberta sera-t-il bientôt un "actif échoué" ? "

May 9, 2023: In an opinion piece published by Le Monde, Anna Creti highlights how crucial data quality is for the European energy transition - "Sans données de qualité, la transition énergétique de l'Europe sera plus difficile à réaliser"

WORKSHOP: The Economics of Gas, New Research Avenues for a Reconfigured Gas Scene Programme

Avec la participation de

R. Ritz (Cambridge University) “Natural gas markets: From the energy crisis towards net zero” Presentation

N. Moskalenko, L. Barner, F. Holz, K. Löffler, B. Steigerwald, C. von Hirschhausen (TUBerlin/DIW Berlin) “Expanding Natural Gas Cross-Border Flows in Europe through the Optimal Use of the Pipeline Grid: A Stylized Model Comparison” 

D. Lowing (Chaire Economie du Gaz) “Cost Allocation in Natural Gas Distribution Networks” Presentation

A. Nicolle (CentraleSupélec), D. Cebreros, O. Massol, E. Jagu Schippers “Modeling CO2 pipeline systems: An analytical lens for CCS regulation” Presentation

S.A. Gabriel (University of Maryland) “Bilevel Optimization for Natural Gas and Other Infrastructure Management” Presentation

L. Barner (TU Berlin and DIW Berlin), R. Egging-Bratseth (NTNU Trondheim), F. Holz (DIW Berlin and NTNU Trondheim), C. Kemfert (DIW Berlin), B. Steigerwald, (TU Berlin and DIW Berlin), C. von Hirschhausen, (DIW Berlin) “Long-Term Development of European Natural Gas Markets – Scenario Analysis using the Global Gas Model (GGM)”

A. Blanchard (Chaire Economie du Gaz) “Assessing the Economic Value of Underground Hydrogen Storage for Germany's Energy Supply Security” Presentation

C. Mégy (Chaire Economie du Gaz), O. Massol “Is Power-to-Gas always beneficial? The implications of ownership structure” Presentation

April 2023:

Apr. 18, 2023: In "Finance et fossiles : un couple en instance de séparation" published by L'agephi, Anna Creti analyses the relationship between finance and fossil fuels.

February 2023:

Feb. 6, 2023: Anna Creti discusses the resurgence of national plans for hydrogen in an opinion published by RFI - "Hydrogène : recrudescence de plans nationaux".

January 2023:

Jan. 31, 2023: In "Pétrole, gaz, charbon... les nouvelles routes européennes de l'énergie" published by the newspaper L'Opinion, Anna Creti explores the evolutions of energy supply routes in Europe

March 2022:

March 16, 2022: Olivier Massol gave a seminar at the Chair of Energy Sustainability at the University of Barcelona.

December 2022:

Dec 12, 2022: Olivier Massol gave a presentation on contemporary gas scene at the Conference "Guerre en Ukraine, déflagration et recompositions économiques" organized at INALCO in Paris.

November 2022:

Nov 30, 2022: Camille Megy received the second prize for the best student paper in energy economics, awarded each year by the Association des Economistes de l'Energie (AEE).
Nov 4, 2022: Olivier Massol gave a talk on demand response at the 15th Annual Trans-Atlantic INFRADAY Conference (Online).

October 2022:

Oct 16-19, 2022: Camille Megy presented a paper on the market power in power-to-gas and related markets at the INFORMS Annual Meeting (Indianapolis, IN).
Oct 16-19, 2022: Olivier Massol gave a presentation on the economics of demand response at the INFORMS Annual Meeting (Indianapolis, IN).

September 2022:

Sept 21-24, 2022: Olivier Massol attended the IAEE European Conference in Athens. Three recent research works on low-carbon energy system were presented.

Sept 13-15, 2022: Félix Michelet attended the Internation Conference on the European Energy Market in Ljubljana. He presented his working paper "The impact of the gas-coal price ratio on the CO2 marginal abatement effect of renewable electricity".

Sept 7-8, 2022: Félix Michelet attended the Young Energy Economists and Engineers Seminar in Copenhagen. He presented his working paper "The impact of the gas-coal price ratio on the CO2 marginal abatement effect of renewable electricity".

August 2022:

Jul 31 - Aug 4, 2022: Félix Michelet attended the IAEE International Conference in Tokyo. He presented his working paper "The impact of the gas-coal price ratio on the CO2 marginal abatement effect of renewable electricity".

July 2022:

Jul 3-6, 2022: Camille Megy attended the 32nd EURO Conference - Aalto University, Finland. She presented her ongoing work on ownership considerations of power-to-gas technologies. 

June 2022:

ROUND-TABLES ON NEW GAS PERSPECTIVES FOR THE EU. Gazprom imports, LNG imports, REPower EU : What's next ? Programme

Avec la participation de

Pierre-Laurent Lucille (Chief Economist, Engie), Pierre Noël (Research Fellow, Lille), Georg Zachmann (Senior Fellow, Bruegel). Moderator: François Lévêque (Professor, Mines Paris - PSL). How to cope With Russian gas, now ?

Steven Gabriel (Professor, University of Maryland) PresentationMichal Meidan (Director, Gas Research Programme, Oxford Institute of Energy Studies), Fabrice Noilhan (Directeur marché et transformation, directeur gestion des actifs gaziers Audit Officer, EDF) Presentation Moderator: Olivier Massol (Professor, IFP School)  PresentationCan LNG mean Liberty with Natural Gas?

Franziska Holz (Professor, DIW Berlin), Thomas-Olivier Léautier (Chief economist, TotalEnergies), Thomas Pellerin-Carlin (Directeur Centre Energie, Institut Jacques Delors). Moderator: Anna Creti (Professor, Université Paris Dauphine PSL). Is REPower EU a convincing solution?

May 2022:

May 30-31, 2022: The Chair invited Prof. Steven Gabriel (University of Maryland) to give a 2-days doctoral training on the advanced equilibrium modeling techniques used in energy economics at IFP school. 

May 25, 2022: Olivier Massol gave a webinar titled "Les enjeux énergétiques et économiques de la guerre en Ukraine pour l'Europe" to Club CEPII. 

May 8-9, 2022: Olivier Massol attended the final workshop of the FoReSee project examining the formation of stranded assets in the energy sector at DIW Berlin.

March 2022:

March 22, 2022: Olivier Massol was invited to give a talk titled "La situation gazière de l'Europe" to the Association des Ingénieurs & Cadres Marocains (Casablanca). 

February 2022

February 1, 2022: Félix Michelet presented his working paper "The impact of the gas-coal price ratio on the CO2 marginal abatement effect of renewable electricity" at the PSL Doctoral Conference (Mines ParisTech, Paris).

December 2021

December 17, 2021: Sai Bravo defended her PhD thesis: "The role of hydrogen in the energy transition" at Université de Pau. Jury members were Pr. Fabien Candau, Professor at Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour; Pr. Anna Creti, Professor at Université Paris Dauphine; Pr. Carole Haritchabalet, Professor at Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour and thesis director; Pr. Aude Pommeret, Professor at Université de Savoie and University of Lausanne, and Pr. Thibaud Vergé, Professor at ENSAE Paris.

December 14-16, 2021: Pr. Oliver Massol presented at the 6th AIEE Symposium of Cureent and Future Challenges to Energy Security (Online).

December, 2021: Sai Bravo presented her paper "Greening public fleets: Evidence from California" at the International Conference on Mobility Challenges 2021 (Online).

November 2021

November 11-12, 2021: Pr. Olivier Massol presented at the 14th Annual Trans-Atlantic INFRADAY Conference (Aalto University, Helsiinki).

October 2021
October 24-27, 2021: Pr. Olivier Massol presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting (Anaheim, CA).
September 2021

September 2021: Sai Bravo presented her paper "Greening public fleets: Evidence from California" at the "Séminaire disciplinaire TREE - UPPA" (Pau, France).

August 2021

August 2021: Sai Bravo presented her paper "Certification of low-carbon hydrogen in the transport market" at the 48th Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (online).

June 2021

June 2021: Sai Bravo presented her paper "Certification of low-carbon hydrogen in the transport market" at the 37ème Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée (online).

January 2021

January 2021: Sai Bravo presented her paper "Certification of low-carbon hydrogen in the transport market" at the ADRES Doctoral Conference (online).

December 2020

December 18, 2020: Pr. Olivier Massol presented at the Berlin Research Seminar on Environment, Resource and Climate Economics.  

November 2020

November 8-11, 2020: Pr. Olivier Massol presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting (Online).
November 6, 2020: Pr. Olivier Massol presented at the Seminaire du Laboratoire de Génie Industiel (CentraleSupélec).
November 2020: Sai Bravo presented her paper "Certification of low-carbon hydrogen in the transport market" at the "Conférence annuelle de l'Association Française des Economistes de l'Energie" (online). She won the award for best student paper. 

October 2020

October 23, 2020: Amina Baba successfully defended her PhD thesis " La flexibilité sur le marché du gaz naturel". The jury was composed of Pr. Valerie Mignon, Professor at Université Paris Nanterre and president of the jury; Pr. Anna Creti-Bettoni,  Professor at Université Paris Dauphine and thesis director; Pr. Anne Neumann, Professor at NTNU, Pr. Carole Haritchabalet, Professor at Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour and Pr. Olivier Massol, Professor at IFP School. 

September 2020

September 17, 2020: Sai Bravo presented her paper “Investment decisions on the hydrogen transport market“ at a seminar of the Centre d'Analyse Théorique et de Traitement des données économiquesUniversité de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour.

July 2020

July 1, 2020: Paris, France - Ekaterina Dukhanina has successfully defended her PhD dissertation "Integration of gas markets: Europe and beyond" at MINES ParisTech. The jury was composed of:  Mr Cédric Clastres, Associate Professor at the University of Grenoble, referee; Mr Robert Ritz, Senior Research Fellow, Cambridge Judge Business School, referee; Mr Olivier Massol, Associate Professor at IFP School, examiner; Mrs Anna Creti, Professor at Paris Dauphine, examiner and president of the jury; Mr Pierre Fleckinger Professor at Ecole des Mines, examiner; Mr François Lévêque, Professor at the Ecole des Mines, thesis director.

June 2020

Côme Billard presented at the Annual Conference of European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (Online).

April 2020

Côme Billard presented his PhD thesis "Reaching the Post-Carbon Society : Some perspectives from Economic Networks" at a seminar at GRTgaz Strategy Department.

March 2020

March 10, 2020: Ekaterina Dukhanina presented her paper “Integration of internal and external gas markets in Russia: Impact of liberalization on the export strategy“ at the CERNA Research seminar at MINES ParisTech

February 2020

February 25, 2020: the Chair Economics of Natural Gas gave a seminar at GRTgaz Strategy Department. The following research projects have been presented: "Integration of gas markets" by Ekaterina Dukhanina and "Economics of natural gas demand" by Arthur Thomas.

December 2019

December 17, 2019: Arthur Thomas gave a Research Seminar at CREST-ENSAI (ENSAI, Bruz) on “A noncausal analysis of the role of expectations in forecasting energy prices.”

December 14-16, 2019: 13th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics, Senate House, University of London. Arthur Thomas gave a talk titled “A noncausal analysis of the role of expectations in forecasting energy prices”.

December 10, 2019: Winter workshop of the French Association of Environmental and Resources Economists : Côme Billard gave a talk on the diffusion of environmental policies across American states (Paris School of Economics).

November 2019

November 29, 2019: Paris, France - Ekaterina Dukhanina gave a talk at the conference "Energy for Prosperity" organised by the French Energy Counsil. 

November 13, 2019: 18ème Journée d'Économétrie: Développements Récents de l'Econométrie Appliquée à la Finance, EconomiX-CNRS, Université de Paris Nanterre.  Arthur Thomas gave a talk titled “A noncausal analysis of the role of expectations in forecasting energy prices”. 

October 2019

October 20-23, 2019: INFORMS Annual Meeting Seattle, USA : Olivier MASSOL gave a talk on forecasting daily natural gas demand in France, : Arthur Thomas gave a talk titled “The informativeness of temperature data to forecast natural gas prices in real-time: Evidence from the Henry Hub”, Ekaterina DUKHANINA gave a talk “LNG trade and spatial arbitrage: Are we facing a globally integrated market?“

October 17-18, 2019: Washington DC, USA - TransAtlantic Infraday (hosted by FERC). Olivier MASSOL gave a talk titled “Trade sanctions and international spatial integration: What is the impact of sanctioning Iran?”, Arthur Thomas gave a talk titled “The informativeness of temperature data to forecast natural gas prices in real-time: Evidence from the Henry Hub”.

October 15, 2019: Olivier MASSOL gave a Research Seminar at CIRED (Nogent sur Marne, Oct 15) on “Rate-of-return regulation to unlock natural gas pipeline deployment: Insights from a Mozambican project.”

September 2019

September 21, 2019: Interview of François LEVEQUE for La Montagne – "La scission d'EDF se précise"

September 4, 2019: University of Paris-Dauphine - Department of Economics Seminar : Côme Billard gave a talk on the diffusion of environmental policies across American states.

September 2019, Arthur Thomas gave a talk in “Le Thé des Jeunes Economètres” Research Group ( titled “A noncausal analysis of the role of expectations in forecasting energy prices”. (University of Orléans)

July 2019

July 2, 2019: Paris, France – The Chair Economics of Natural Gas participated in the third edition of the MINES ParisTech Research Day. Ekaterina DUKHANINA participated in the doctoral pitch presentation and gave a talk "Integration of gas markets: Europe and beyond".

June 2019

June 26-29, 2019: Manchester, United Kingdom – 24th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists : Côme BILLARD will give a talk « Technological Contagion in Networks ».

June 21, 2019: Paris, France – The Chair Economics of Natural Gas organized The 2nd International Conference on The Economics of Natural Gas hosted by Paris Dauphine University. Exciting strategic and policy related topics about the future of the natural gas and its role in the energy transition have been discussed by keynote speakers (Ch. von Hirschhausen, R. Egging, R. Ritz). The latest research on the economics of natural gas markets has been presented by P. Kotek, M. Roach, A. Baba, A. Thomas, O. Massol, E. Cami and E. Dukhanina, followed by a round table about the Nord Stream 2 with P. Noël, Ø. Noreng, Ph. Vedrenne.

June 20, 2019: Paris, France - Côme BILLARD has been invited to deliver a seminar presentation of his paper «Technological Contagion in Networks » at the Economic Complexity group (Paris School of Economics).

May 2019

May 29 - June 1, 2019: Montréal, Canada – Olivier MASSOL presented the paper “How Are Day-Ahead Prices Informative for Predicting the Next Day’s Consumption of Natural Gas? Evidence from France”, Ekaterina DUKHANINA presented her work “Fiscal policy in the natural gas sector: an optimization approach” at the 42nd International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) Annual Conference organized by HEC Montréal.

May 16, 2019: Grenoble, France – Olivier MASSOL was a panelist at the energy economics workshop organized by the GAEL at the University of Grenoble Alpes.

The paper “How Are Day-Ahead Prices Informative for Predicting the Next Day’s Consumption of Natural Gas? Evidence from France” by Arthur THOMAS, Olivier MASSOL and Benoît SEVI is now available online in the USAEE Working Paper series (link)

April 2019

April 9, 2019: Paris, France – Olivier MASSOL gave a talk titled “The efficiency of LNG trade: an industrial organization perspective” at a professional conference organized by EVOLEN.

April 1, 2019: Rueil-Malmaison, France – Olivier MASSOL gave a talk titled “Gas Pipelines: an economic analysis” during the conference “Russia, Europe and natural gas” organized under the auspices of the think tank IDées of the Tuck Foundation.

March 2019

March 27, 2019: Berlin, Germany – Olivier MASSOL participated at the kick off meeting presenting the objectives of the FoReSee project that investigates how long-lived capital and the incentives resulting from the risk of Asset Stranding hinder the effectiveness of climate policy.

March 21-22, 2019: Nantes, France –  Workshop in Financial Econometrics : Arthur THOMAS gave a talk “Real-time forecasts of Henry Hub natural gas prices“.

March 15, 2019: Paris, France – Ekaterina DUKHANINA presented her paper “Gas and LNG markets: are we facing a globally integrated market?“ at the CERNA Research seminar at MINES ParisTech.

February 2019

February 21-22, 2019: Hannover, Germany –  The 3rd Commodity Markets Winter Workshop: Arthur THOMAS gave a talk “Real-time forecasts of Henry Hub natural gas prices“.

February 13, 2019: Paris, France – Olivier MASSOL has been invited to give a talk on the economics of CO2 pipeline systems at the PSL* seminar at Paris-Dauphine University.

January 2019

January 23, 2019: Paris, France – Two eminent industry executives : Mr. Dominique Mockly (Chairman and CEO, Téréga) and Mr. Philippe Madiec (Vice-President Startegy, GRTGaz) have been invited to give a talk on the future of natural gas at the 2019 graduation ceremony of the EFC Master at Paris-Dauphine University. 

January 8, 2019: Orléans, France – Olivier MASSOL has been invited to deliver a seminar focusing on the economics of CCS infrastructures at the Laboratoire d’Economie d’Orléans (LEO).

December 2018

December 14-16, 2018: Pise, Italy – 12th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics: Arthur THOMAS gave a talk “Real-time forecasts of Henry Hub natural gas prices“.

December 11, 2018 : Cambridge, United Kingdom - 7th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications : Côme Billard gave a talk on « Cascading Technology in Networks ».

November 2018

November 29, 2018: Berlin, Germany – Olivier MASSOL gave a talk titled “CCS deployment: overlooked coordination issues” during the workshop organized by the NTNU Energy Transition Initiative.

November 26, 2018: Paris – Olivier MASSOL gave a talk titled “CCS deployment: overlooked coordination issues” during the Annual Conference of the French Association for Energy Economics. Côme BILLARD presented his paper « Cascading Technology in Networks » at the Climate Economic Chair, Paris-Dauphine University. 

November 3-7, 2018: Phoenix, Arizona, USA – INFORMS 2018 Annual Meeting (Institute for Operations Research and Management Science). Olivier MASSOL gave a talk on “Capturing Industrial Co2 Emissions in Spain: Infrastructures, Costs, and Break-even Prices“, Arthur THOMAS gave a talk “Production Intermittence in Spot Electricity Markets“, Ekaterina DUKHANINA gave a talk “Fiscal Policy in the Natural Gas Sector: An Optimization Approach“.

November 1-2, 2018 : Washington DC, USA - TransAtlantic Infraday (hosted by FERC) - International Conference: Olivier MASSOL gave a talk on “Production intermittence in spot electricity markets: a behavioral simulations approach”, Arthur THOMAS gave a talk “The economics of daily natural gas demand in France and in the UK“, Ekaterina DUKHANINA gave a talk “Integration of natural gas markets: spatial equilibrium approach“.

October 2018

October 11, 2018: Berlin, Germany – Olivier MASSOL gave a technical seminar on “time-inconsistency in MPEC models” at DIW Berlin.

October 12, 2018: Berlin, Germany – Olivier MASSOL participated on a roundtable focusing on the German “Energiewende” and presented a French perspective on that policy.

October 8-9, 2018: St. Petersburg, Russia – Ekaterina DUKHANINA and François LÉVÊQUE gave Research Seminars at the Higher Economic School of St. Petersburg University of Economics (UNECON) and the ENERPO Research Center at the European University at St. Petersburg, and presented the works of the Chair “Integration of natural gas markets: focus on arbitrage opportunities” (ED) and “US LNG and EU Antitrust against Gazprom?” (FL).

October 3-5, 2018: Moscow, Russia – Ekaterina DUKHANINA and Olivier MASSOL gave Research Seminars at the Moscow State University, the Higher School of Economics and the New Economic School and presented the works of the Chair “Integration of natural gas markets: focus on arbitrage opportunities” (ED) and “Phasing out the U.S. Federal Helium Reserve: Policy insights from a world helium model”, “Rate-of-Return Regulation to Unlock Natural Gas Pipeline Deployment: Insights from a Mozambican Project” (OM).

July 2018

July 8-11, 2018: Valencia, Spain – 29th European Conference On Operational Research: Arthur THOMAS gave a talk “The economics of daily natural gas demand in France and in the UK“.

July 2, 2018 : Paris, France – Summer FAEE Student workshop 2018: Amina BABA gave a talk  “What can be learned from the destination flexibility option in the LNG imbroglio?“, Arthur THOMAS gave a talk “The economics of daily natural gas demand in France and in the UK“.

June 2018

June 24, 2018 : Oxford, United Kingdom : Côme BILLARD presented his thesis research topics, at the Summer School on Economic Networks, Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford.

June 20-21, 2018 : Rome, Italy – Annual Meeting 2018 of the Commodity and Energy Markets Association: Amina BABA gave a talk “What can be learned from the destination flexibility option in the LNG imbroglio?“

June 18-19, 2018 : Rueil Malmaison, France – Workshop on Energy Markets 2018 “Commodities and Energy Market Organization in the Energy Transition Context”: Arthur THOMAS gave a talk “The economics of daily natural gas demand in France and in the UK“, Ekaterina DUKHANINA gave a talk “Gas and LNG markets: are we facing a globally integrated market?“.

June 10-13, 2018 : Groningen, The Netherlands – The 41st IAEE International Conference (International Association for Energy Economics): Ekaterina DUKHANINA gave a talk “Gas and LNG markets: are we facing a globally integrated market?“, Arthur THOMAS gave a talk “The economics of daily natural gas demand in France and in the UK“, Anna CRETI chaired the dual-plenary session: Energy Challenges in Transport, Olivier MASSOL gave a talk “The economics of a regulated natural gas pipeline project in a developing economy“.

May 2018

May 24-25, 2018 : Paris – The 6th International Symposium on Environment Energy and Finance Issues (ISEFI 2018): Ekaterina DUKHANINA gave a talk “Policy measures targeting a more integrated gas market: impact on prices and arbitrage activity“, Olivier MASSOL gave a talk “Production intermittence in spot electricity markets“.

April 2018

April 12, 2018: François LÉVÊQUE organized and chaired the conference “Stratégies d’investissement et de portefeuille dans le GNL”. Laurent Vivier (Total) and Anne-Sophie Corbeau (BP) have been invited as key speakers. The presentations are available for download: A-S. CorbeauL.Vivier

April 5-6, 2018: Olivier MASSOL gave a talk at the conference “Environmental Economics : a focus on Natural Resources” organized by the LEO at the University of Orléans.

March 2018

Since March 2018 Anna CRETI is designated as the scientific director of the Climate Economic Chair. Sharing this responsibility with the Chair on the Economics of Natural gas would encourage the academic collaboration between these chairs.

February 2018

February 26, 2018: François LÉVÊQUE and Olivier MASSOL participated in a workshop that examined the economics of natural gas in Trondheim (Norway). The workshop was organized by NTNU and hosted by Statoil.

February 24, 2018 : New York – Anna CRETI was invited to give a seminar at Columbia Energy Institute – School of Public Affairs and presented the paper “What can be learned from the destination flexibility option in the LNG imbroglio” (with A. Baba and O. Massol).

February 2, 2018: Olivier MASSOL gave a seminar on the economics of pipeline-based energy infrastructures at Ohio State University (USA).

October 2017

October 21, 2017: Houston, USA – Olivier MASSOL gave a talk on “modeling imperfectly competitive natural resource markets” at the Annual Meeting of the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS).

September 2017

September 3-7, 2017 : Vienna – The 15th IAEE European Conference (International Association for Energy Economics): Ekaterina DUKHANINA gave a talk on “Policy measures targeting a more integrated gas market: impact on prices and arbitrages”.

July 2017

July 7, 2017 : Chantilly – TOTAL Gas Seminar: François LÉVÊQUE gave a talk on “Gazprom against US LNG and EU Commission - An economist’s view on natural gas competition “.

June 2017

June 27, 2017 : Paris – The Chair on the Economics of Natural Gas organized The 1st International Conference on The Economics of Natural Gas. The presentations are available for download:

S. Gabriel, A. Creti, F. Perrotton, L. Chavaz, A. Baba, O. Massol, S. Ikonnikova, Ch. Mason, A. Neumann, M. Galeotti, E. Dukhanina, A. Burlinson, S. Heidari.

June 18-22, 2017 : Singapore – The 40th IAEE International Conference (International Association for Energy Economics): Olivier MASSOL gave a talk on “The Economics of Rate-of-return Regulation in the Natural Gas Pipeline Industry “, Ekaterina DUKHANINA gave a talk on “Estimation of the Efficiency of Policy Measures Targeting a More Integrated Gas Market“.

March 2017

March 30, 2017 : Olivier MASSOL was invited to give a seminar on the “detection of imperfect competition in the spatial arbitrages conducted between interconnected gas hubs” at the Grenoble Applied Economics Lab (GAEL)

February 2017

February 7, 2017 :  Olivier MASSOL gave a talk on the economics of Carbon Capture and Storage technologies at the Vth International Academic Symposium "Challenges for the Energy Sector" in Barcelona. In his talk, he examined the conditions required for the deployment of CO2 pipelines systems, derived some insights for their economic regulation and highlighted a series of crucial differences with the case of natural gas pipelines.

February 2-3, 2017 :  The Chair on the Economics of Natural Gas (Olivier MASSOL, Amina BABA, Ekaterina DUKHANINA) had a series of research and business meetings in London with energy trading companies (BP and Total Gas & Power Limited) and research and consultancy groups (IHS and Wood Mackenzie). These visits allowed the Chair to establish contacts with the companies, to discover how useful for both sides collaboration could be and to discuss how it could be implemented.

December 2016

December 14, François LÉVÊQUE participated in the Third IEA-IEF-OPEC Symposium on Gas and Coal Market Outlooks

December 6, Launching of the Badge Education Programme on Energy Regulation in West Africa Countries (François LÉVÊQUE presentation)

November 2016

November 13, INFORMS Annual Meeting (Nashville, USA) - International Conference: Olivier MASSOL gave a talk on “Production Intermittence In Spot Electricity Markets: modeling the behavior of thermal generators”

November 11, University of Maryland (College Park, USA) - Research Seminar: Olivier MASSOL gave a talk on “Cooperative game theory: concepts, methods and applications to natural gas and CO2 infrastructures”

November 10, Washington DC - TransAtlantic Infraday (hosted at the FERC) - International Conference: Olivier MASSOL gave a talk on “The economics of rate of return regulation in the natural gas pipeline industry“ and chaired the “Market Design” session.

October 2016

October 20, Inauguration of the Research Chair on the Economics of Natural Gas at Mines ParisTech: Le Gaz dans les transitions énergétiques.

(General presentationPresentation A-C. BournovillePresentation C. Jacazio)


October 10, Toulouse School of Economics – Research Seminar: Olivier MASSOL gave a talk on “Natural Gas Pipelines: Technology and Regulation“

June 2016

June 24, 2016 : Olivier MASSOL presented a paper at the Energy and Commodity Finance conference (ECOMFIN 2016) organized at ESSEC Paris. His paper examines the strategy adopted in Iran to monetize the domestic natural gas resources and retrospectively investigates the impacts of the sanctions decided against Iran’s exports.

June 14, 2016 : Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE), Brussels – Anna CRETI participated in the CERRE Executive seminar “The role of gas in the reformed Internal Energy Market

April 2016

Avril, 2016 : Columbia University, New York – Anna CRETI participated in the Seminar on the safety of pipelines on American natural gas markets, with Amy Jaffe (University of San Diego) Presentation

March 2016

March 2016 : Olivier MASSOL gave a talk titled “Imperfect Arbitrages: insights from natural gas markets” at the 2016 International Symposium on Energy and Finance Issues (ISEFI).

Chair The Economics of Natural Gas - News - Mines Paris - PSL


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