Tuesday [12 June 2018] (16h-17h30), Research Seminar. Ulrich Wagner (University of Mannheim).
Wednesday [6 June 2018] (16h-17h30), Research Seminar. Glenn Ellison (MIT).
Thursday [24 May 2018] (12h30-14h ), Lunch Seminar. Mehdi Benatiya Andaloussi (Columbia University).
Wednesday [16 May 2018] (16h-17h30), Research Seminar. Andreas Moxnes (University of Oslo).
Thursday [3 May2018] (16h-17h30), Research Seminar. Nicolas de Roos (The University of Sydney).
Wednesday [25 April 2018] (16h-17h30), Research Seminar. Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet (Cired).
Thursday [19 April 2018] (12h30-14h), Lunch Seminar. Thierry Weil (Cerna).
Thursday [15 February 2018] (16h-17h30), Research Seminar. Nicholas Rivers (University of Ottawa).
Wednesday [31 January 2018] (16h-18h), Doctoral Workshop. Connie Lee, Victor Lavialle (Cerna).
Wednesday [24 January 2018] (16h-17h30), Doctoral Workshop. Maddalena Agnoli (Cerna).
Thursday [18 January 2018] (16h-17h30), Research Seminar. Sébastien Houde (University of Maryland).
Wednesday [6 December 2017] (16h-17h30), Research Seminar. Sara Ellison (MIT).
Thursday [30 November 2017] (12h30-14h), Lunch Seminar. François Lévêque (Cerna).
Thursday [23 November 2017] (16h-17h30), Research Seminar. Andras Niedermayer (Université Paris-Dauphine).
Thursday [9 November 2017] (12h30-14h), Lunch Seminar. Romain Bizet (Cerna).
Wednesday [25 October 2017] (16h-17h30), Research Seminar. Nancy Gallini (Vancouver School of Economics).
Thursday [5 October 2017] (12h30-14h), LunchSeminar. Ara Jo (London School of Economics), "Trust, Compliance and International Regulation".
19 April 2017 (16-17h30), Michael Hoy (University of Guelph).
29 March 2017 (16-17h30), Daniel Wilhelm (UCL).
22 March 2017 (16-17h30), Doh-Shin Jeon (TSE).
22 February 2017 (16-17h30), Anna Bindler (University of Gothenburg).
25 January 2017 (16-17h30), Thomas Breda (PSE).
18 January 2017 (16-17h30), Martina Viarengo (The Graduate Institute Geneva).
11 January 2017(16-17h30), Thomas Fagart (PSE), Collusion in Capacity Under Irreversible Investment.
6 December 2016 (16-17h30), Christopher M. Forman (Cornell), Internet Adoption and Knowledge Diffusion.
1 December 2016 (16 - 17h30), Wanda Mimra (ETH Zürich), Health Services as Credence Goods (with Felix Gottschalk and Christian Waibel).
16 November 2016 (16 - 17h30), Pierre Fleckinger (Cerna), A model of Fraud and Incentives (with Thierry Lafay & Constance Monnier)
26 October 2016 (16-17h30), Galina Zudenkova (University of Mannheim), Electoral Accountability and Inter-district Externalities
19 October 2016 (16-17h30), Xitong Li (HEC), Private vs. Public Ranking in Online Communities: A Randomized Field Experiment on MOOCs (with Jiayin Zhang)
29 June 2016 (16-17h30), Luis Cabral (NYU), tba.
15 June 2016 (16-17h30), Ariane Charpin (PSE), Merger efficiency gains: an assessment of the French urban transport industry
20 April 2016 (16h-17h30), Raphaël Levy (University of Mannheim), More haste less speed. Signaling through investment timing
5 April 2016 (16h-17h30), Pierre-Noël Giraud (Cerna), L’Homme inutile
17 March 2016 (16h-17:30), Margaret Armstrong (Cerna), Tracking Plurigaussian Simulations
27 Jan 2016 (16h-17h30), Marianne Verdier (Université Panthéon Assas, Paris II), tba
20 Jan 2016 (16h-17h30), Emmanuel Combet (Cired), tba
16 Dec 2015 (16h-17h30), Matthieu Glachant (Cerna), tba
25 Nov 2015 (16h-17h30) Philipe Quirion (Centre International de Recherche sur l’Environnement et le Développement), Renewable energy policies and interaction with the EU ETS: the critical role of uncertainty (with Oskar Lecuyer, University of Bern, Oeschger Center for Climate Research)
24 Nov 2015 (16h-17h30) Juliana Subtil Lacerda (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Energy transitions and low carbon innovation in developing countries
4 Nov 2015 (16h-17h30) Christoph Breunig (Humboldt University Berlin), Does IT Outsourcing Increase Firm Success? On IV-Estimation in Case of Missing Variables
21 Oct 2015 (16h-17h30) Yann Meniere (Cerna), tba.
23 Sept 2015 (16h-17h30) Petyo Bonev (Cerna), Identifying the effect of threat of regulation on the pricing policy of monopolies
- 27 May 2015 (16h-17h30) Pierre Fleckinger (Cerna), CEOs morality and incentives
- 6 May 2015 (16h-17h30) Philippe Quirion (Centre International de Recherche sur l'Environnement et de Développement), Energy Efficiency Policy with Price-Quality Discrimination (with M.-L. Nauleau and L.-G. Giraudet)
- 25 March 2015 (16h-17h30) Matthieu Glachant (Cerna), When Strengthening Environmental Regulation Reduces Green Innovation: Theory and Evidence from the Auto Industry (with A. Dechezleprêtre)
- 18 March 2015 (16h-17h30) Margaret Kyle (Cerna), Experts and Conflict of Interest
- 3 december 2014 (16h-17h30) Petyo Bonev (Cerna)
- 19 november 2014 (16h-17h30) Pierre Fleckinger (Cerna)
- 3 novembre 2014 (16h-17h30)Kenneth Gillingham (Yale University) "Learning-by-doing in Solar Photovoltaic Installations"
- 15 october 2014 (16h-17h30) Antonin Pottier (Cerna) ""Damages of climate change on total factor productivity""
- 1 october 2014 (16h-17h30) Yann Ménière (Cerna) "Assertive and preemptive intermediaries in the market for patents"
-14 mai 2014 (16h-17h30) Margaret Armstrong (Cerna) "How Nuclar Plants in Spain have Reacted to the Introduction of Renewable Energy"
- 6 mai 2014 (15h30-17h00) Christian von Hirschhausen (TU Berlin) "Energiewende/Electricity Transition in Germany – A Reform on its Way"
- 5 mai 2014 (16h-17h30) Pierre Zaoulay (MIT) "Public R&D Investments and Private Sector Patenting: Evidence from NIH Funding Rules"
- 9 avril 2014 (16h-17h30) David Hemous (INSEAD) "The Dynamic Impact of Unilateral Environmental Policies"
- 29 janvier 2014 (16h-17h30) Margaret Kyle (Toulouse School of Economics)
- 8 janvier 2014 (16h-17h30) Matthieu Glachant (Cerna) "How effective is energy taxation to improve energy efficiency? Evidence from the UK refrigerator market"
- 18 décembre 2013 (16h-17h30) Paul Belleflamme (Université Catholique de Louvain) "Dynamic Protection of Innovations through Patents and Trade Secrets"
- 13 décembre 2013 (16h-17h30) Özlem Bedre-Defolie (ESMT) "Assessing the Impact of Payment Card Fee Regulation"
- 24 juin 2013 (16h-17h30) "Voluntary versus Mandatory Standards: Protecting Workers from Adverse Chemical Exposure" Shanti Gamper-Rabindran (University of Pittsburgh)
- 22 mai 2013 (16h-17h30) Marc Baudry (Université Paris 10)
- 7 mars 2012 (16h-17h30): "Role of embodied energy in the European Manufacturing Industry: Application to short-term impacts of a carbon tax" Matthieu Bordigoni (Cerna)
- 6 février 2012 (16h-17h30): "Le numérique, ou la double vie du marché du livre" Françoise Benhamou (Université Paris 13)
- 23 novembre 2011 (16h-17h30): "Conflicting objectives in the use of feed-in tariffs for renewable sources of electricity" Claude Crampes (IDEI)
- 19 octobre 2011 (16h-17h30): "Modelling the allowance allocation method of the EU ETS" Philippe Quirion (CIRED)
- 21 septembre 2011 (16h-17h30): "Complex versus binary menus of contracts: What are the welfare gains?" Philippe Gagnepain (PSE - Université Paris 1)
- 13 mai 2011 (10h30-12h00): "Identifying Technology Spillovers and Product Market Rivalry" Marc Schankerman (London School of Economics)- joint avec le séminaire EEI
- 11 mai 2011 (16h-17h30): "L'Economie de l'Attention" Kevin Mellet (Orange Labs)
- 27 avril 2011 (16h-17h30): "Future scenarios on the Impact of Electric Cars on Day-ahead Prices in France" Margaret Armstrong et Alain Galli (Cerna)
- 14 janvier 2011 (10h-11h30): "Markets for Patents" Dominique Guellec (OCDE) - joint avec le séminaire EEI
- 16 décembre 2010 (16h-17h30): "Interdépendance des institutions des marques et du copyright" Olivier Bomsel (Cerna)
- 1 décembre 2010 (16h-17h30): "L’agglomération parisienne au XXIème siècle : leçons d’un exercice de prospective" Vincent Viguié (CIRED)
- 9 novembre 2010 (16h-17h30): "Does Foreign Regulation Influence Domestic Inventors? The Case of Innovation in Wind Power", Antoine Dechezleprêtre (London School of Economics) et Matthieu Glachant (Cerna)
- 27 octobre 2010 (16h-17h30): "The Economic Growth Engine: How energy and work create material prosperity", Benjamin Warr (Social Innovation Center, INSEAD)
- 22 septembre 2010 (16h-17h30): "Upstream capacity constraint and the preservation of monopoly power in private bilateral contracting", Eric Avenel (CREM, Université de Renne 1)
- 16 juin (16h-17h30): "Dynamic hedging strategies: An application to the crude oil market", Alain Galli (Cerna) & Delphine Lautier (Université Paris 9)
- 12 avril (16h-17h30) "The economics of smartgrids", Perry Sioshansi (Menlo Energy Economics)
- 6 avril (16h-17h30): "Productivity, Relationship-Specific Inputs and the Sourcing Modes of Multinational Firms", Farid Toubal (Université d'Angers, PSE, CEPII)