Lavialle, Victor


PhD Student / Doctorant

Research interests: Media economics, regulation








Phone: + 33 (0)1 40 51 92 28

Fax: +33 (0)1 40 51 91 45

Adresse: CERNA, MINES ParisTech, 60 boulevard Saint Michel, 75272 Paris Cedex 06, France

Short CV

Victor Lavialle joined the CERNA as a PhD Student in October 2016. He is supervised by Professor Olivier Bomsel. His PhD thesis focuses on media economics and the regulation of the audiovisual and cinema industry in France. 
Victor Lavialle graduated from ENSAE ParisTech, with the "Markets and Firms" major in 2015, specializing in game theory and industrial organization.  Full CV: French, English

Conferences and Presentations

SERCIAC 2019,  July 2019, annual congress of the Society for Economic Research on Copyright Issues,  Regulation Game and Copyright in digital media industries: evidence from the French audiovisual and cinema ecosystems

SERCIAC 2018, 7 July 2018,  annual congress of the Society for Economic Research on Copyright Issues,  A Multivariate Analysis of Regulated Funding of the French Cinema by Broadcasters.. See the slides

SERCIAC 2017, 10-11 july 2017, annual congress of the Society for Economic Research on Copyright Issues, Rational Addiction to Audiovisual Narratives: an Analysis of Broadcasting and Consumption of Fiction in France. See the slides


Working Papers

Lavialle, V., Bomsel, O., Saksik, T. (2019), Regulation game and copyright in digital media industries: the destructive-creation of the French audiovisual ecosystem

Lavialle, V (2018) A Multivariate Analysis of Regulated Funding of the French Cinema by Broadcasters.  See the slides

Lavialle, V., Bomsel, O.  (2017)  Rational Addiction to Audiovisual Narratives: an Analysis of Broadcasting and Consumption of Fiction in France

Other works

Lavialle, V. Van Den Ploeg, L. (2018) Étude du comportement des utilisateurs non-abonnés sur la plateforme MyCanal

Lavialle, V., Adam, M. (2017) Évaluation d’une réforme des obligations d’investissement des diffuseurs français

Lavialle, V. (2016) Rentabilité économique des films à gros budget

Lavialle, V. Montecino I. (2016) L'écosystème audiovisuel Français: qui gagne, qui perd, comment réformer?

Victor Lavialle Doctorant CERNA Mines - Mines Paris - PSL


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