Glachant, Matthieu


Current projects

The impact of energy efficiency obligations on residential energy use (with Guillaume Wald)

Communication strategies of NGOs: Theory and evidence (with Mathieu Couttenier, Pierre Fleckinger and Sophie Hatte)

The autonomous adaptation of US homes to changing temperature (with François Cohen and Magnus Söderberg). R&R Journal of Economic Geography.

Academic publications (in English)

Raphael Calel, Jonathan Colmer, Antoine Dechezleprêtre, Matthieu Glachant. 2025. Do Carbon Offsets Offset Carbon? American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. January 2025.

Amélie Darmais, Matthieu Glachant, Victor Kahn. 2025. Social Equity Provisions in Energy Efficiency Obligations: an Ex Post Analysis of the French Program. Energy Policy.

Simon Touboul, Matthieu Glachant, Antoine Dechezleprêtre, Sam Fankhauser, Jana Stoever. 2023. Invention and Global Diffusion of Technologies for Climate Change: A Patent Analysis. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 17(2).

Damien Dussaux, Antoine Dechezleprêtre, Matthieu Glachant. 2022. The Intellectual Property Rights Protection of Low-Carbon Trade and Foreign Direct Investments. Energy Policy, 171.

Petyo Bonev, Matthieu Glachant, Magnus Soderberg. 2022. Implicit Yardstick Competition between Heating Monopolies in Urban Areas: Theory and Evidence from Sweden, Energy Economics, 109,

Benedict Probst, Simon Touboul, Matthieu Glachant, Antoine Dechezleprêtre. 2021. Global Trends in the Innovation and Diffusion of Climate Change Mitigation Technologies. Nature Energy, 6: 1077-1086.

Michael Grubb, Paul Drummond, Alexandra Poncia, Will McDowall, David Popp, Sascha Samadi, Cristina Peñasco, Kenneth Gillingham, Sjak Smulders, Matthieu Glachant, Gavin Hassall, Emi Mizuno, Edward S Rubin, Antoine Dechezlepretre and Giulia Pavan. 2021. Induced innovation in energy technologies and systems: a review of evidence and potential implications for CO2 mitigation. Environmental Research Letters. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/abde07.

Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet, Matthieu Glachant, Jean-Philippe Nicolai. 2020. Selling and Saving Energy: Energy Efficiency Obligations in Liberalized Energy Markets.The Energy Journal, 41.  DOI: 10.5547/01956574.41.SI1.lgir

Petyo Bonev, Matthieu Glachant, Magnus Soderberg. 2020. Testing the regulatory threat hypothesis:Evidence from Sweden, Resource and Energy Economics, 62,

Pierre Fleckinger, Matthieu Glachant, Paul-Hervé Tamokoué Kamga (2019) Energy Performance Certicates and Investments in Building Energy efficiency: A Theoretical Analysis, Energy Economics, 84(1) 

Damien Dussaux, Matthieu Glachant (2019) How much does recyling reduce imports? Evidence from metallic raw materials. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, 8(2).

Darryl Biggar, Matthieu Glachant, Magnus Söderberg (2018) Monopoly regulation when consumers need to make sunk investments: Theory and evidence from the Swedish district heating sector. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 54(1): 14-40. Accepted manuscript.

François Cohen, Matthieu Glachant, Magnus Soderberg (2017) Consumer myopia, imperfect competition, and the energy efficiency gap: Evidence from the UK refrigerator market. European Economic Review, 93: 1-23. Accepted manuscript

Pierre  Fleckinger, Matthieu Glachant, Gabrielle Moineville (2017) Incentives for quality in friendly and hostile informational environments. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 9(1): 242-274. Accepted manuscript.

François Cohen, Matthieu Glachant and Magnus Söderberg (2017) The impact of energy prices on product innovation: Evidence from UK the refrigerator market, Energy Economics. Accepted manuscript.

Matthieu Glachant, Julie Ing and Jean-Philippe Nicolai (2017) The incentives to North-South transfer of climate-mitigation technologies with trade in polluting goods. Environmental and Resource Economics. 66: 435-456. doi:10.1007/s10640-016-0087-2 (working paper version).

Matthieu Glachant and Antoine Dechezleprêtre (2016) What role for climate negotiations on technology transfer? Climate Policy. doi: 10.1080/14693062.2016.1222257.

Arnaud de la Tour, Matthieu Glachant, Yann Ménière (2013) Predicting the costs of photovoltaic solar modules in 2020 using experience curve models, Energy, 62, pp 341-348. doi: 10.1016/

Antoine Dechezleprêtre, Matthieu Glachant (2014) Does foreign environmental policy influence domestic innovation? Evidence from the wind industry. Environmental and Resource Economics, 58, pp 391 - 413, 10.1007/s10640-013-9705-4.

Matthieu Glachant, Yann Ménière (2013) Technology diffusion with learning spillovers: Patent versus free access, The Manchester School. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9957.2012.02337.x

Antoine Dechezleprêtre, Matthieu Glachant, Yann Ménière (2013) What drives the international transfer of climate change mitigation technologies? Empirical evidence from patent data. Environmental and Resource Economics. 54(2), pp 161-178. DOI: 10.1007/s10640-012-9592-0

Antoine Dechezleprêtre, Matthieu Glachant, Ivan·Hascic, Nick Johnstone, Yann Ménière (2011) Invention and transfer of climate change mitigation technologies: A global analysis, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy; 5(1): 109-130. DOI: 10.1093/reep/req023.

Arnaud de la Tour, Matthieu Glachant Yann Ménière (2011) "Innovation and international technology transfer: The case of the Chinese photovoltaic industry", Energy Policy 39 , pp. 761-770 DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2010.10.050

Pierre Fleckinger, Matthieu Glachant (2011) "Negotiating a voluntary agreement when firms self regulate, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 62(1), pp 41-52, doi:10.1016/j.jeem.2011.03.002.

Benjamin Bureau, Matthieu Glachant (2011) "Distributional effects of public transport policies in the Paris Region", Transport Policy, 18(5), pp. 745-754, doi:10.1016/j.tranpol.2011.01.010.

Matthieu Glachant Yann Ménière (2011) "Projects mechanisms and technology diffusion in climate policy", Environmental and Resource Economics, DOI information: 10.1007/s10640-010-9439-5.

Pierre Fleckinger, Matthieu Glachant (2010) "The organization of Extended Product Responsibility in waste policy with product differentiation", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 59(1), pp 57-66. doi:10.1016/j.jeem.2009.06.002.

Antoine Dechezleprêtre, Matthieu Glachant, Yann Ménière (2009) "Technology transfer by CDM projects: a comparison of Brazil, China, India and Mexico", Energy Policy, 37(2), pp 703-711. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2008.10.007

Antoine Dechezleprêtre, Matthieu Glachant, Yann Ménière (2008) "The Clean Development Mechanism and the international diffusion of technologies: An empirical study", 36(4), Energy Policy, pp 1273-1283, doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2007.12.009

Benjamin Bureau, Matthieu Glachant (2008) "Distributional effects of road pricing: Assessment of nine scenarios for Paris", Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 42(7), pp 994-1007. doi:10.1016/j.tra.2008.02.001

Glachant Matthieu (2007), "Non-Binding Voluntary Agreements", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 54(1), pp 32-48. doi:10.1016/j.jeem.2007.01.001

Glachant M., S. Schucht, A. Bültmann, F. Wätzold (2002) “Companies’ participation in EMAS: the influence of the public regulator”, Business Strategy and the Environment, 11(4), pp. 254-66.

Glachant M. (2002) “The political economy of water effluent charges in France: why are rates kept low?", European Journal of Law and Economics, 14(1), pp. 27-43.

Glachant M. (2001) “The need for adaptability in EU environmental policy design and implementation”, European Environment, 11(5), pp. 239-249.

Other publications (mostly in French)

Matthieu Glachant "Le point de vue d'un économiste sur la rénovation énergétique des logements et sa régulation", Annales des Mines - Réalités Industrielles, mai 2022, pp 19-21.

Matthieu Glachant et Simon Touboul, "La contribution chinoise à l'innovation bas-carbone", Green, Septembre 2021, 1:157-150.

Matthieu Glachant "Rénovation énergétique des logements, la qualité plutôt que la quantitée ?", Les Echos, 22/06/2020.

Gaël Blaise, Matthieu Glachant (2019) "Quel est l'impact des travaux de rénovation énergétique des logements sur la consommation d'énergie ? Une évaluation ex post sur données de panel", Revue de l'Energie, n° 646, septembre-octobre.

Matthieu Glachant "La rénovation thermique réduit-elle vraiement votre facture énergétique ?", The Conversation, 18/11/2019.

La Responsabilité Elargie du Producteur incite-t-elle suffisamment à la prévention des déchets d'emballages ? i3 Working Paper 19-CER-01., 2019 (with Simon Touboul). Excel sheet with the data.

Understanding the dynamics of global value chains for solar photovoltaic technologies (2017), with Maria Carvalho and Antoine Dechezleprêtre. World Intellectual Property Organisation Economic Research Working Paper No. 40

Matthieu Glachant, Julie Ing and Jean-Philippe Nicolai (2016) "Transferts de technologies propres, commerce international et accords environnementaux", Revue Française d'Economie, 31(3), pp 137-157.

Matthieu Glachant (2015) "Négociations climatiques internationales: la question du transfert de technologies", Annales des Mines - Responsabilité et Environnement, 77(1), pp 56-59.

Ménière, Y. Glachant M., Dechezlepretre A., Pot, C., Carrère, F., Leblanc, G.(2015)  "L'Innovation Technologique Face au Défit Climatique: Quelle est la Position de la France?"Economie et Prévision, n° 202-203, p. 182.

 Greening Global Value Chains Innovation and the International Diffusion  of Technologies and Knowledge, 2013, joint with Antoine Dechezleprêtre, Damien Dussaux, Yann Ménière, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 6467.

Benjamin Bureau et Matthieu Glachant (2010) "Evaluation de l'impact des politiques "Quartiers Tranquilles" et "Quartiers Verts" sur les prix de l'immobilier à Paris, Economie et Prévision, n° 192, pp 27-44.

Pierre Fleckinger, Matthieu Glachant (2009), "La Responsabilité Sociale de l'Entreprise et les accords volontaires sont-ils complémentaires ?", Economie et Prévision, n° 190-191, pp 95-105.

Matthieu Glachant, Benjamin Bureau (2006), "Un péage urbain à Paris ? Une évaluation des effets distributifs de quatre scénarios", Recherche Transports Sécurité, n° 93 Octobre-décembre.

Glachant Matthieu (2008) "L'effet du lobbying sur les instruments de la politique environnementale", Revue d'Economie Politique, n°5

Glachant Matthieu, "La tarification optimale du service des déchets ménagers en présence de municipalités hétérogènes ", Economie et Prévision, no 165, 2005.

Chapters in books, books

Matthieu Glachant, Marie-Laure Thibault, Laurent Faucheux (2013) Recharger les véhicules électriques et hybrides. Presse des Mines.

Adnot Jérôme, Marchio Dominique, Rivière Philippe, Aggeri Franck, Benoist Anthony, Daude Jennifer, Duplessis Bruno, Glachant Matthieu, Rabl Ari,Teulon Hélène (2012) Cycles de vie des systèmes énergétique, Presses des Mines

Sophie Bernard, Damien Dussaux, Mouez Fodha, Matthieu Glachant (2012) "Le commerce international des déchets", in CEPII, l'Economie Mondiale 2013, Collection Repères, La Découverte, pp 104-118.

Patricia Crifo, Matthieu Glachant, Stéphane Hallegate, Eloi Laurent, Gilbert Raphaël (2012) L'économie verte contre la crise. 30 propositions pour une France plus soutenable . Presses Universitaires de France.

Pierre Fleckinger, Matthieu Glachant and Gabrielle Moineville (2010) "Voluntary Approaches in the Policy Cycle", in Corporate Social Responsibility: from Compliance to Opportunity?, ed. J-P Ponssard & P. Crifo, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris 2010.

Nick Johnstone, Matthieu Glachant, Céline Serravalle, Nicolas Riedinger and Pascale Scapecchi (2007) “Many a Slip ’Twixt the Cup and the Lip’: Direct and Indirect Public Policy Incentives to Improve Corporate Environmental Performance”, in Nick Johnstone (Ed.) Environmental Policy And Corporate Behaviour, Edward Elgar.

Gildas De Muizon et Matthieu Glachant (2007) "Climate Change Agreements in the UK: A Successful Policy Experience?", in R.D. Morgenstern, A. Pizer (eds) Reality Check: The Nature and Performance of Voluntary Environmental Programs in the United States, Europe and Japan, RFF Press, Washington DC, pp 64-85;

Glachant Matthieu (2005) "Voluntary Agreements in a Rent Seeking Environment", in E. Croci, Ed., "Handbook on Environmental Voluntary Agreements", Dordrecht, Holland, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 49-67.

Glachant M. (2004) "Changing Product Characteristics to Reduce Waste Generation" in OECD, Addressing the Economics of Waste, Paris, OECD, Chapter 9.

De Muizon Gildas and Glachant Matthieu, "The UK Climate Change Levy Agreements: Combining Negotiated Agreements with Tax and Emission Trading", In A. Baranzini and P. Thalmann, Eds., "Voluntary Agreements to Climate Policies An Assessment", Ashgate - London, Edward Elgar Publishers, 2004.

Glachant M., Ed. (2001), "Implementing European Environmental Policy: The impacts of the Directives in Member States", Edward Elgar.

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