Dukhanina, Ekaterina



Associate researcher / Chercheur associé at MINES ParisTech


Research interests:

Economics of Natural Gas; Gas and LNG markets; Energy Economics




Phone: + 33 (0)1 56 65 71 79             

Email: ekaterina.dukhanina@mines-paristech.fr                                                  

Adresse: CERNA, MINES ParisTech, 60 boulevard Saint Michel, 75272 Paris Cedex, France  


Short CV

Ekaterina holds MSc degrees from IFP School, Moscow Higher School of Economics and a research MSc from Paris School of Economics. She got her PhD degree in Economics from MINES ParisTech – PSL. Her PhD thesis entitled “Integration of gas markets: Europe and beyond” analyses spatial arbitrage among gas and LNG markets, estimates efficiency of energy policy and regulatory measures and offers a tool to evaluate trading opportunities.

Ekaterina worked at the Asset management division of EDF, the Economic research department of Natixis, and the Gas Renewables and Power division of Total. Being in charge of economic modeling and valuation, she worked on multiple projects throughout the LNG value chain, including trading and shipping. Along with industry practice, she also has academic research experience at the Chair of Economics of Natural Gas. Ekaterina referees for energy economics and policy related journals and is a member of several academic societies, such as the International Association for Energy Economics and the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences. She is a former student representative of the French Association for Energy Economics and a member of the French section of the Future Energy Leaders program of the World Energy Council.



March 10, 2020: Paris France - Integration of internal and external gas markets in Russia: the impact of liberalization on the country’s export strategy”, CERNA Research seminar (Atelier Doctoral), MINES ParisTech.

February 25, 2020: Paris La Defense - Ekaterina DUKHANINA presented her thesis "Integration of gas markets: Europe and beyond" at the research seminar at the Strategy Division of GRTgaz.

October 20-23, 2019: INFORMS Annual Meeting Seattle, USA : Intégration des marchés gaziers : Europe et au-delà » lors d’un séminaire à la Direction Stratégique de GRTgaz. Paris, France, 25 Février 2020

October 20-23, 2019: INFORMS Annual Meeting Seattle, USA : Ekaterina DUKHANINA gave a talk “LNG trade and spatial arbitrage: are we facing a globally integrated market?“

September 9-12, 2019: Abu Dhabi, UAE – Ekaterina DUKHANINA participated at the 24th World Energy Congress 2019 as a Young French Energy Council delegate.

July 4, 2019: Paris, France – Ekaterina DUKHANINA organized jointly with the French Energy Council a seminar "The digitalization to reduce the energy poverty: myth or reality?" at MINES ParisTech.

July 2, 2019: Paris, France – Ekaterina DUKHANINA participated in the third edition of the MINES ParisTech Research Day and presented her PhD thesis "Integration of gas markets: Europe and beyond".

June 21, 2019 : Paris, France – Ekaterina DUKHANINA gave a talk “LNG trade and spatial arbitrage: are we facing a globally integrated market?” at the 2nd International Conference on The Economics of Natural Gas. 

May 29 - June 1, 2019: Montréal, Canada – Ekaterina DUKHANINA presented her work “Fiscal policy in the natural gas sector: an optimization approach” at the 42nd International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) Annual Conference organized by HEC Montréal.

March 15, 2019: Paris, France – Ekaterina DUKHANINA presented her paper “Gas and LNG markets: are we facing a globally integrated market?“ at the CERNA Research seminar at MINES ParisTech.

November 3-7, 2018: Phoenix, Arizona, USA – INFORMS 2018 Annual Meeting (Institute for Operations Research and Management Science). Ekaterina DUKHANINA gave a talk “Fiscal Policy in the Natural Gas Sector: An Optimization Approach“.

November 1-2, 2018 : Washington DC, USA - TransAtlantic Infraday (hosted by FERC) - International Conference: Ekaterina DUKHANINA gave a talk “Integration of natural gas markets: spatial equilibrium approach“.

October 8-9, 2018: St. Petersburg, Russia – Ekaterina DUKHANINA gave a talk “Integration of natural gas markets: focus on arbitrage opportunities” at Research Seminars at the Higher Economic School of St. Petersburg University of Economics (UNECON) and the ENERPO Research Center at the European University at St. Petersburg.

October 3-5, 2018: Moscow, Russia – Ekaterina DUKHANINA gave a talk “Integration of natural gas markets: focus on arbitrage opportunities” at Research Seminars at the Moscow State University and the Higher School of Economics.

June 18-19, 2018 : Rueil Malmaison, France – Workshop on Energy Markets 2018 “Commodities and Energy Market Organization in the Energy Transition Context”: Ekaterina DUKHANINA gave a talk “Gas and LNG markets: are we facing a globally integrated market?

June 10-13, 2018 : Groningen, The Netherlands – The 41st IAEE International Conference (International Association for Energy Economics): Ekaterina DUKHANINA gave a talk “Gas and LNG markets: are we facing a globally integrated market?“

May 24-25, 2018 : Paris – The 6th International Symposium on Environment Energy and Finance Issues (ISEFI 2018): Ekaterina DUKHANINA gave a talk “Policy measures targeting a more integrated gas market: impact on prices and arbitrage activity“.

September 3-7, 2017 : Vienna – The 15th IAEE European Conference (International Association for Energy Economics): Ekaterina DUKHANINA gave a talk on “Policy measures targeting a more integrated gas market: impact on prices and arbitrages”.

June 27, 2017 : Paris – The Chair Economics of Natural Gas organized The 1st International Conference on The Economics of Natural Gas. Ekaterina DUKHANINA gave a talk on “Estimation of the Efficiency of Policy Measures Targeting a More Integrated Gas Market“.

June 18-22, 2017 : Singapore – The 40th IAEE International Conference (International Association for Energy Economics): Ekaterina DUKHANINA gave a talk on “Estimation of the Efficiency of Policy Measures Targeting a More Integrated Gas Market“.


Dukhanina E. Intégration des marchés gaziers : Europe et au-delà. La revue de l'Énergie No. 651, Juillet-Août 2020. 

Dukhanina, E., O. Massol, F. Lévêque. Policy measures targeting a more integrated gas market: Impact of a merger of two trading zones on prices and arbitrage activity in France. Energy Policy. (2019) 132: 583-593. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2019.05.044  

E. Dukhanina and O. Massol. Spatial Integration of Natural Gas Markets: a Literature Review. Curr Sustainable Renewable Energy Rep (2018) 5: 129-137. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40518-018-0107-7



























































Ekaterina Dukhanina Associate researcher - Mines Paris - PSL


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