El Bahraoui, Btissam


PhD Student / doctorante

Research interests:

Commodity Prices and Markets






Phone: + 33 (0)1 40 51 91 88  

Fax: +33 (0)1 40 51 91 45  

Emailbtissam.el_bahraoui ( at ) mines-paristech.fr 

Adresse: CERNA, MINES ParisTech, 60 boulevard Saint Michel, 75272 Paris Cedex 06, France


Btissam El Bahraoui est doctorante en économie des matières premières sous la direction de Pierre-Noël Giraud depuis Janvier 2014. Sa thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre de la chaire « Economie, Finances et Gestion des Commodités » créée dans le prolongement d’une longue collaboration entre l’OCP et MINES Paris Tech et porte sur la financiarisation du marché des phosphates.

Btissam El Bahraoui est diplômé de l'École Nationale Supérieure d’Informatique et de Mathématiques Appliquées de Grenoble (ENSIMAG) au sein de laquelle elle a suivi le parcours: Mathématiques Financières, avant d’effectuer un Master 2 à l’IAE Institut d’Administration des Entreprises, option Finance Quantitative et réaliser un échange à Imperial College London Department of Mathematics & Imperial College Business School.


Speaker at "The Importance of Commodity Markets in Financial and Macroeconomic Stability“ Conference- KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA 3rd Applied Financial Modelling Conference

Theme "The Importance of Commodity Markets in Financial and Macroeconomic Stability" Organized by The Asia-Pacific Applied Economics Association (APAEA) and Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) in Malaysia

Discussion of the following subjects:

  • Commodity market forecasting;
  • The role of oil prices in shaping commodity market trading and performance;
  • Implications of gold market for financial and economic systems;
  • Financial econometrics models applied to understanding commodity markets;
  • GVAR models that capture the effects of commodity markets;
  • Role of commodity markets in forecasting macroeconomic indicators;
  • Commodity market and economic growth;
  • CGE models that explore the role of commodities in macroeconomic performance;
  • Commodity market risks;
  • Importance and transmission of shocks to commodity markets;
  • Commodity market efficiency and implications for trading;
  • Commodity market and stock return relations (price discovery and predictability);

Speaker at "Financialization of Fertilizer Markets: What to Expect?" Seminar Organized by OCP Policy Center- OCP Casablanca

  • Presenting the Panel IV: The US Experience of DAP Future Market: Failure of First Attempt? Assessing the potential of Financialization in the Phosphate Industry

Commodity Derivatives Markets summer school attendant- DAUPHINE University & Ecole Polytechnique– FLORENCE ITALYA summer school organized by The Finance and Sustainable Development Chair DAUPHINE University & Ecole Polytechnique

  • Discussion of problems and methodological issues related to commodity derivatives markets.

Advanced Training in Commodity Economics and Finance program participant- OCP Policy Center – RABAT MOROCCO Advanced Training in Commodity Economics and Finance : Econometrics and time-series analysis for commodity markets By John Baffes Senior Economist with the World Bank’s Development Prospects Group (USA). He is currently managing the Commodity Markets Outlook, a World Bank quarterly publication focusing on commodity market analysis and price forecasts.

  • The objective of this program is to select the appropriate time series econometric tools (not just a model) in order to understand, analyze, interpret, and communicate issues and problems related to commodity markets. 

Advanced Training in Economic Analysis and Management program participant- OCP Policy Center – RABAT MOROCCO Advanced Training in Economic Analysis and Management- The economics of natural resources By Rabah Arezki Chief of the Commodities Unit in the IMF Research Department Non-resident fellow at the Brookings Institution External research associate at the University of Oxford

  • The course covered policy relevant issues in the management of natural resources ranging from fiscal terms for the extraction sector to sovereign wealth management. 



Btissam El Bahraoui Doctorante CERNA Mines - Mines Paris - PSL


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