Bizet, Romain

Position: Post-doctoral researcher

Research interests: Industrial Organization, Games and Decisions

Phone: + 33 (0)1 40 51 92 28 

Adress: CERNA, MINES ParisTech,

60 boulevard Saint Michel,

75272 Paris Cedex 06, France 



Short CV

Romain Bizet joined the CERNA as a PhD Student in 2014 and defended his Ph.D. in 2017, under the supervision of Professor François Lévêque. His research tackles the economics of risks and uncertainty, with a particular focus on safety regulation. Romain Bizet previously graduated from École polytechnique.

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Bizet, R. Lévêque, F. (2016) Ambiguity Aversion and the Expected Cost of Rare Energy Disasters: the case of Nuclear Power Accidents. IAEE Energy Forum, Bergen 2016 Special Issue.

Bizet, R. Lévêque, F. (2015) Early Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plants: Is there an Economic Rationale? The Electricity Journal.

Bizet, R. Lévêque, F. (2015) La planification de la fermeture des centrales nucléaires : justifications théoriques et cas pratiques, La Revue de l'Énergie.

Chapters in Books

Bizet, R. Lévêque, F. (2017) The Economic Assessment of the Cost of Nuclear Accidents, in J. Ahn, F. Guarnieri, and K. Furuta (Eds.),  Resilience: A New Paradigm for Nuclear Safety (pp79-95), Springer.

Working Papers

Bizet, R. Bonev, P. Lévêque, F. (2017) Evaluating the Effect of Local Monitoring on Nuclear Safety: Evidence from France.

Bizet, R. Bonev, P. Lévêque, F. (2017) Are Older Reactors less Safe? Evidence from Incident data in the French Nuclear Fleet, i3 Working Paper Series, 17-CER-02

Bizet, R. Lévêque, F. (2016) Ambiguity aversion and the expected cost of rare energy disasters: an application to nuclear power accidents, i3 Working Paper Series, 16-CER-01


2016-2017: Introduction to nuclear power economics - Master spécialisé IGE/ENVIM.

Conferences and presentation materials

  • EAERE, Athens, July 2017, 23rd Conference of the European Association for Environmental and Resource Economics. The effect of local monitoring on nuclear safety. See the slides.
  • Toulouse School of Economics, June 6-7, 2017. 11th Conference on the Economics of Energy and Climate Change. The effect of local monitoring on nuclear safety.
  • ZEW Mannheim, May 11-12, 2017. Mannheim Energy Conferece. The effect of local monitoring on nuclear safety.
  • Nürnberg Energy Campus, April 27-28, 2017. Young Energy Economists and Engineers Seminar. The effect of local monitoring on nuclear safety.
  • ELAEE, Rio de Janeiro, April 3-5, 2017. 6th Latin American Energy Economics Conference. The effect of local monitoring on nuclear safety.
  • G. Washington University, Washington DC, March 16-17, 2017. 9th Annual Conference of the Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis. Ambiguity-Aversion  and the Expected-Cost of Rare Energy Disasters.
  • Mines ParisTech, Paris, Dec. 14th, 2016. PSL Research Seminar in Energy Economics. Ambiguity-Aversion  and the Expected-Cost of Rare Energy Disasters. See the slides.
  • Edimburg University, Nov. 15-17, 2016. Young Energy Economists and Engineers Seminar. Measuring Safety under Varying Transparency. See the slides.
  • Tsinghua U., Beihang U., NCEPU, Beijing Institute of Technology and Tianjin U., Beijing, Oct. 24-30, 2016. Joint seminars with F. Lévêque. Nuclear Power Economics - Industry Competitiveness and Safety regulation.  See the slides.
  • Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Jun. 20-23, 2016. Annual Conference of the IAEE. Ambiguity Aversion and the Expected-Cost of Large Energy Disasters. Selected for short publication in The Energy Forum - Bergen Special Edition. See the slides, the Energy Forum Issue, or the working paper.
  • Tokyo U., Waseda U. and Kyoto U., Jun.  6-10 2016. Joint seminars of economics with F. Lévêque. Bayesian and non-Bayesian methods for the assessment of the risks of nuclear power accidents. See the slides or the presentation overview.
  • UC Berkeley, March 23-24, 2015. International Workshop on Nuclear Safety. The economic assessment of nuclear damage. See the short paper or poster. See the conference program.

Media and wide audience

Romain Bizet debates the prospects of France's nuclear industry on Public Sénat. See the replay.


Romain Bizet Doctorant CERNA MINES - Mines Paris - PSL


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