I am Professor of Economics at MINES ParisTech and senior researcher at CERNA, the Center of Industrial Economics of the school. My references in research, teaching and consulting deal with property institutions, competition and industrial dynamics in various industrial sectors : mining and metallurgy, automobile, luxury brands, information technologies, media...
I graduated from the Ecole des Mines of Saint-Etienne with a focus on Computer Science and got a PhD in Industrial Economics at MINES ParisTech (1986). Since 1980, I have participated in the creation and the development of three research areas at Cerna: natural resource economics (1980-1989), post-socialism (1990-1997) and digital economics (1998 to date).
Since 1998, my works deal with the roll-out of digital technologies and the economics of media in the digital environment.
I am currently heading the MINES ParisTech Chair of Media and Brand Economics. The Chair focuses on the economics of copyright and trademarks, vertical relations in information good distribution and media economics.
240 ans de recherche et de formation
Vidéo : 240ans de recherche
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