Technology transfer and climate change
IP & standards
Bourreau, M., Ferraz, R., Ménière, Y. "Licensing standard essential patents with costly enforcement"
Cosandier, C., Delcamp, H., Leiponen, A., Ménière, Y. "Preemptive acquisition services in the market for patents" Revise and resubmit, Management Science.
Bourreau, M., Ménière, Y., Pohlmann, T. "The market for standard essential patents"
Dechezleprêtre, A., Ménière, Y. "International patent families: from application strategies to statistical indicators"
Eilhard, J., Ménière, Y. "A look inside the forge: developer productivity in open source projects"
Lévêque F., Ménière Y. (2016) “Licensing Commitments in standard Setting Organizations" Revue Economique, 67, 125-139.
Bréchet T., Ménière Y., Picard P. "The Clean Development Mechanism in a Globalized Carbon Market" Canadian Journal of Economics (forthcoming)
Delcamp, H., Ménière, Y. (2015) "The Strategic Use of Licensing Commitments in a Standardization Context" Research in Law and Economics, 27, 161-179.
Ménière, Y. Glachant M., Dechezlepretre A., Pot, C., Carrère, F., Leblanc, G.(2015) "L'Innovation Technologique Face au Défit Climatique: Quelle est la Position de la France?"Economie et Prévision, n° 202-203, p. 182.
Baron, J., Ménière, Y., Pohlmann, T. (2014) "Standards, consortia and innovation" International Journal of Industrial Organization, 36, 22-35.
Dechezlepretre A., Glachant M., Ménière, Y. (2013) "What Drives the International Transfer of Climate Change Mitigation Technologies? Empirical Evidence from Patent Data",Environmental and Resources Economics, 54(2), 161-178 (lead article).
de la Tour, A., Glachant, M.., Ménière, Y. (2013) "Predicting the costs of photovoltaic solar modules in 2020 using experience curve models" Energy, 62-1, 341-348.
Glachant M., Ménière Y. (2013) “Technology Diffusion with Endogenous Adoption Costs", The Manchester School, 81(5), 683-854 (lead article).
Dechezlepretre A., Glachant M., Hascic, I. Johnstone, N., Ménière, Y. (2011) "Invention and transfer of climate change mitigation technologies: a study drawing on patent data,"Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 5(1), 109-130.
Lévêque, F., Ménière, Y. (2011) "Patent Pool Formation: Timing Matters" Information Economics and Policy, 23(3-4), 243–251.
Glachant M., Ménière Y. (2011) “Kyoto Project Mechanisms and Technology Diffusion"· Environmental and Resources Economics, 49(3), 405-423.
de la Tour, A., Glachant, M.., Ménière, Y. (2011) "Innovation and international technology transfer: The case of the Chinese photovoltaic industry" Energy Policy, 39(2), 761-770.
Ménière Y., Parlane, S. (2010) "Licensing of complementary patents: comparing the royalty, fixed-fee and two-part tariff regimes," Information Economics and Policy, 22(2), 178-191.
Dechezlepretre A., Glachant M., Ménière Y. (2009) “Technology transfer by CDM projects: a comparison of Brazil, China, India and Mexico,” Energy Policy, 37(2), 703-711.
Ménière Y., (2008) "Patent Law and Complementary Innovations," European Economic Review, 52(7), 1125–1139 (lead article).
Dechezlepretre A., Glachant M., Ménière Y. (2008) “The Clean Development Mechanism and the International Diffusion of Technologies: An Empirical Study,” Energy Policy, 36(4), 1272-1283.
Ménière Y., Parlane, S. (2008) "R&D Competition in the Shadow of Patent Litigation," Review of Industrial Organization, 32(2), 95-111.
Lévêque F., Ménière Y. (2008) “Technology Standards, Patents and Antitrust,” Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, 9:1.
Lévêque F., Ménière Y. (2007) “Patent versus Copyleft: the Open Source Legal Battle,” Review for Economic Research on Copyright Issues, 4(17), 21-46.
Lévêque F., Ménière Y. (2004) "The Economics of Patents and Copyright", A Primer for Free - Berkeley Electronic Press.
Lévêque F., Ménière Y. (2004) "Economie de la propriété intellectuelle", Collection Repères, Paris, Editions La Découverte.
Guellec, D., Ménière, Y. (2014) "Patent markets: actors, workings, and recent trends" in Guellec, D., Madiès, T., Prager, J.-C. (Eds) Patents in the Knowledge Economy. Cambridge University Press.
Caillaud, F., Ménière, Y. (2014) "The "transparency paradigm": how large-scale IP analytical and visualisation studies are renewing strategic intelligence" in Guellec, D., Madiès, T., Prager, J.-C. (Eds) Patents in the Knowledge Economy. Cambridge University Press.
Ménière, Y. (2013) "Editer le brevet": in Bomsel, O. (Ed) Protocoles éditoriaux. Qu'est-ce que publier? Armand Collin.
Baron, J., Delcamp, H., Ménière Y. (2010) "L'économie des modèles ouverts: des "biotech commons" au logiciel libre" Actes du colloque des 30 ans du CRID
Ménière Y., (2010) “L'harmonisation du droit de la propriété intellectuelle. Quels gains? Pour qui?” in B. Remiche and H. Ruiz-Fabri (Ed.) « Le Commerce International entre Bi- et Multilatéralisme », Editions Larcier, Bruxelles.
Ménière Y., (2007) “Accord ADPIC et transferts de technologie,” in J. Kors and B. Remiche (Ed.) « L’accord ADPIC : 10 ans après, regards croisés Europe-Amérique du Sud », Editions Larcier, Bruxelles.
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